What if Doodle 4 Google really does tells us something about our future leaders?

Check out the Doodle 4 Google project. Kids made doodles of the Google logo to address the theme “what if?” and you can vote on the finalists. Reviewing them en masse in about 5 seconds, I would say that apparently, kids want us to save the rainforest and create peace. Bastards!!!!

However, at least one youth has a future in IT. Here’s her caption to her doodle (and her doodle looks it was done by the spawn of Salvador Dali and the evil kid Sid from “Toy Story”):

“What if our reliance on machinery to carry out simple tasks crossed the boundaries of technological advancement and we distorted our flesh to the extent that so little remained of what made us human that we became but a twisted, robotic caricature of our former selves.”

Yeah, what THEN? Kewl. I like how she’s thinking…..

One Response to “What if Doodle 4 Google really does tells us something about our future leaders?”

  1. kdghty said:

    May 13, 08 at 1:07 pm

    so looking back through years of misty time, i don’t recall ever having the ability to respond to a question as thoughtfully and cogently as any of these kids.

    am i smarter than a 5th grader? apparently not.

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