The six-month anniversary of this blog approaches and it’s a good time to question its existence and its m.o. Is the content of interest and/or am I just whining? Do I find the opportunity for reflection it provides me worthwhile? Does it really need to be private? Should I make the frequent commentators administrators so they can post and broaden the scope? Should I keep on as I am? Should I declare victory and move on?
kdghty said:
Aug 15, 08 at 11:16 amwas it good for you?
this is daily ritual for me, OTB, coming here and reading. i feel edified and often empowered. hell – i’ve bought books because of comments on here! someday i’ll even have an opportunity to read them.
i’d miss it if it wasn’t here, but has it served its purpose for you? it’s your blog, after all. i don’t find you particularly whiny – why shouldn’t you blow off some steam after a day of banging your head against a wall? – and good conversations are started here.
those of you higher up the food chain than i will have valid reasons for the privacy thing. i kinda enjoy that feature myself, but i’m a closeted snob.
my vote is to keep going if *you* find it viable and useful. if it’s time to change the scope, do so. i’m enjoying the ride.
g-lo said:
Aug 15, 08 at 12:06 pmWould definitely miss it.
Kyle said:
Aug 17, 08 at 6:42 amI have really enjoyed the ride. It’s nice to be reminded that it isn’t just me. There are multiple WTF moments everywhere. ‘-) Your posts have definitely gotten me thinking in different ways about the challenges I’m having as well.
If you’re seriously pondering opening up posting, I’d be game. It might be interesting to have a few different folks generating conversation and take some of the load off you if you’re feeling pressured to post something every day.
ttoomey said:
Aug 18, 08 at 9:12 amIts been interesting reading and I’d miss it if it were gone. But I appreciate that its really hard work to come up with something interesting and witty every week. Thanks for keeping it real for the last six months!
slack said:
Aug 19, 08 at 1:53 pmTeh tubez would be a less intellectual place without this blog. From many of the posts and comments here I’ve found myself reviewing and updating my own documentation and practices. Otherwise, having things go “click” that make me actually want to be a better SA rather than sit and wait for this week’s re-org.