We Got Served
with a petition from all the residents of a particular dorm. They’re protesting the quality of our wireless. We’re resolving the issues and made a community-writable wiki about the problem and inviting feedback. I’m a little worried that tomorrow a.m. there will be a stream of obscenities but who knows? We will see.
What really irritates me is that one of our staff said “Yes, they’ve been complaining to me a lot,” and I wonder why he never said anything to the rest of us… Either he doesn’t feel it will do any good or it just never occurred to him to pass along the feedback. Either way, we’ve got a problem.
Kyle said:
Oct 16, 08 at 6:14 pmI tend to have the opposite problem. My staff comes to me every time anyone complains to find out how to resolve it. It’s like they’ve never had anyone say anything negative to them before and want validation and a shoulder to cry on.
BTW, we’ve solved our wireless issues by not having wireless on our campus except in the parts of the library and a little of the student center. The previous head of IT just didn’t see value in wireless on campus…
admin said:
Oct 17, 08 at 5:00 pmWireless? Can’t you just use your cell phone?…. tra la la