Racial categories: rock, scissors, paper, and Hispanic
I spent 1.5 hours today in a meeting to figure out how we are going to change our data services to accommodate the “new” IPEDS guidelines (released in 2007 in response to a 1997 change in racial categories). Already I know you are bored with this topic–me, I was asleep at the word “IPEDS.” Here is some text from the guidelines–and this is from the government, not us:
- A person who answers Yes to Hispanic should also answer the race question, even though that person will be reported to IPEDS as Hispanic
- If a respondent does not answer the Hispanic question but does answer the race question, report that person using the race categories that were selected (which by default assumes a No response to the Hispanic question)
Obama, take us away!!!!
essprit said:
Jan 21, 09 at 8:47 pmoy caramba…