* You are viewing the archive for the ‘meta (about the blog)’ Category


This is the last post for the CTO Project. I hope to move my musings to a more public blog with clearer association with my work: I think that would be most useful for the long term. I will miss you tremendously; thank you for helping me to be more effective in my job and to approach my work with humor and grace. Well, most of the time. I hope you too have enjoyed everyone’s wise comments and our fun-and-not-too-snarky remarks.

Thank you for all your help!

CTO Project is on vacation!

Will be back on Monday, January 5th! Have a great <your holiday here>!

I made a few changes to the blog to allow all the archives for a given month to display on one page (I heard that a reader was going back to read them all in order–ah, the horror!).

Now New and Improved w/ Fresher Scent!

Thank you all for your comments in answer to my FAQ. I’ve removed the wall of privacy, which really was just a screen door considering that anyone could register. Those of you who want to read the blog with your blog reader of choice should find this easier. However, the blog remains unindexed by search engines and you still need to register to comment. Registration is automatic so shouldn’t be too much of a hassle.

I’ve decided to keep myself as the sole author for now because the original focus was on my learning experiences as a new cto. … Continue Reading



The six-month anniversary of this blog approaches and it’s a good time to question its existence and its m.o. Is the content of interest and/or am I just whining? Do I find the opportunity for reflection it provides me worthwhile? Does it really need to be private? Should I make the frequent commentators administrators so they can post and broaden the scope? Should I keep on as I am? Should I declare victory and move on?

The Blog it is a’changin’

A Very Smart Person Who Is Always Right suggested that, um, maybe my blog shouldn’t be world-readable? I can either be:

  1. candid and risk misinterpretation
  2. or I can edit out the grim reality of CTO life and paint a rosy but inaccurate picture
  3. or I can be candid and just require folks to login to read the blog, thereby making it much more difficult (but not impossible) for someone to Use My Words Against Me.

In the words of the Very Smart Person Who Is Always Right, these options boil down to:

  1. potentially getting screwed anonymously by some evil doer
  2. tantamount to having no blog because … Continue Reading