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Let the drinking commence…

I’ve arrived at a “summit” for CIOs/CTOs in a mountain resort. Because I’m new to my job and new to the area, in about an hour I’ll go to the reception to meet a bunch of people for the first time. I will be nervous and there will be free alcohol. The possibilities are endless….

Themes for the summit (other than schmoozing) are e-Discovery and privacy. Nothing particularly new–or so it seems.

Meanwhile, I’m all set for the golf match tomorrow. I’ve taken a month’s worth of lesson and am now known at the driving range. Most important, … Continue Reading

Golf Noob

I’m going to a CTO/CIO summit in early June and was asked if I wanted to join in the pre-summit golf game. Now I feel I finally fit my power suit. Hell with the environmental issues, I’ve just called the local pro and asked for lessons. I believe at least one of my readers lives on a golf course. Sorry I didn’t take you up on your offer before when I lived in the same state as you….

However, I was thinking, why is golf the CIO/CTO game? Shouldn’t it be a mega-round of Halo, preferably with us each sitting … Continue Reading