* You are viewing the archive for the ‘Friday’ Category

Friday, and here’s what I’m doing Saturday


Friday, and I wish I could be there now

Logan Pass, Glacier National Park

Friday, and no bull–time for a beer….

…. a geek beer…

Friday, and I Celebrate a Beautiful Life

Miss Lillian China de Montesquieu de Guerlain of the Hague



Friday, and I think I’ll use this cute l’il Sauron guy as a paperweight on my desk….

I wonder if visitors to my office will sense the evil?

p.s. you can buy him here

Friday, and year one is done

Friday, and it somebody’s birthday….

Read the story behind this cake wreck. Happy 42nd, you who now know the meaning of life, the universe, everything!  Also, at 3:31:30 local time today it was UNIX time 1234567890! and it’s Friday the 13th…

Friday, and this is the best vendor swag I’ve ever received

but, I swear, I won’t be converted…. really…. realllly.

Friday, and Microsoft’s had a No Good Very Bad Horrible Week

Maybe Clippie ™ could help Steve write the layoff notice?

Friday, and it’s time to say “buh bye”

Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job.

Brownie, you’re doing a heck of a job.

Friday, and it’s what I wished I got from Bob the Hanukkah Elf

a sweet keyboard from Datamancer.net!

CTO Project is on vacation!

Will be back on Monday, January 5th! Have a great <your holiday here>!

I made a few changes to the blog to allow all the archives for a given month to display on one page (I heard that a reader was going back to read them all in order–ah, the horror!).

Friday, and back East the weather outside is frightful

Be safe!

Friday, and the sun also rises

I took this with my phone from the deck as I was getting ready for work…

It’s Friday and WWHKD?

It’s Friday, and it’s time for CONGRATULATIONS!

Friday, and I’m going to Orlando!

Friday, and we got served AGAIN

This time, it’s serious: my first subpoena! Now I really feel like a CTO.

Friday, and maybe it’s worth something on eBay?

Friday, and it must be 5 somewhere

Time to get my experience on

Friday, and I still wish I was her

I want it now!!!!

Friday, and Monday’s Labor Day

I hope you have a good, long weekend--even if there are classes on Monday

I hope you have a good, long weekend--even if there are classes on Monday

Friday & They’re Baaaack

Students. Not, technically, aliens.



The six-month anniversary of this blog approaches and it’s a good time to question its existence and its m.o. Is the content of interest and/or am I just whining? Do I find the opportunity for reflection it provides me worthwhile? Does it really need to be private? Should I make the frequent commentators administrators so they can post and broaden the scope? Should I keep on as I am? Should I declare victory and move on?

Thursday is the New Friday

because I’m on vacation tomorrow!


Take a break!

Graph from monster.com

Friday. Last weekend, goats. This?


Friday, and what horribly dangerous toy will I play with this weekend?



Clackers vs. Jarts


It’s Friday and it’s time for an organizational metaphor image smackdown!




What’s your org like? Org as in organization, that is.

It’s Friday, and I’m gonna


everything’s cool, all projects are excellent, people are fun, and the feeling I feel — let’s call it ‘happy’ 🙂

Enjoy your Independence Day!
