* You are viewing Posts Tagged ‘strategic planning’

Shelter from the Storm: weathering financial challenges

The Chronicle gave some advice today to colleges on how strategic planning can help buffer institutions from the effects of uncertainties. Here’s the advice, condensed:

  • create strategic plans faster and have them cover a shorter period. Instead of taking a year to develop a 5-year plan, spend 4 months developing a 3-year plan.
  • make sure your strategic plans provide clear actions which reflect core principles and particular goals.
  • practice flexibility regularly: refine your actions or change your strategies annually while retaining your commitment to your core principles or goals
  • have cash on hand–a million or so would do it for a small … Continue Reading

Top 10 Smackdown

I’m all about smackdowns at the moment. Here’s the latest. Today I finished our reaccreditation self-study. That means I wrote a long report analyzing the effectiveness of our organization for a committee which will never read it. I’m pretty certain about that.

In the IT self-study I provide evidence supporting what I see as our top 10 issues. They are:

1. Strategic planning

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