I love instructional technology, or whatever I’m going to call it

I have a senior leadership position open in instructional technology. But instructional technology as it’s practiced here seems to emphasize AV geeks rolling carts around rather than engaging with faculty on issues of pedagogy and learning technology. And we need to think about how we might use technology to facilitate faculty research grants, or student grants for that matter. We don’t have an academic computing director or any committee looking at this big picture. So, I need to get a vision, make a strategic plan, and then hire someone before the frustrated AV geeks and under served faculty explode because they’re not getting the appropriate care and feeding. This will be fun.

3 Responses to “I love instructional technology, or whatever I’m going to call it”

  1. filberthockey said:

    Mar 11, 08 at 11:41 am

    I’ve got just the guy for you.

  2. admin said:

    Mar 11, 08 at 4:26 pm


  3. Gahlord said:

    Mar 12, 08 at 9:37 pm

    What about starting small and localized? Something like a weekend conference on educational technology highlighting some specific tactical applications of technology in education in an actual setting (use technology to present a lecture on some random topic as if it were an education event/lecture) followed by a QA on the technology used.

    Sure you have organizational overhead (call for presentations on topic+vetting+promotion+etc). But you can build buy in and expose the target market (instructors?) to the concepts in a non-threatening way that allows them to engage their own process of synthesis (unless you’ve been in the game long enough to deny your target audience any synthetic capabilities).

    Sounds like you don’t need a technologist. You need an evangelist. The nice thing about short conference/workshops is that all these tenure-monkies need presentation creds for their next review and would be willing to work hard to present. The trick is convincing your audience to show up. Hmmmm.

    Please keep us up to date on this.

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