What I Learned Today

Today I learned (or re-learned) the fact that sometimes it’s just a lot easier to call someone. We send emails, we schedule meetings, and we trade a lot of electronic info when a 5 minute phone call would resolve everything more easily. Email can be nice for it’s “official record” aspect, but talking can be so much simpler. Even better than a phone call? Walking down the hall, out the door, over to the office, for a quick chat. For this scary impromptu “meeting-like” event to succeed, though, it truly has to be a 5 minute Q/A. Anything longer can be disruptive. How about Skype? that would work too… IM can be, for me, too much like a constant interruption.

One Response to “What I Learned Today”

  1. rufusb said:

    Aug 06, 08 at 6:17 am

    Calls are great, I agree. Especially when a conversation has the potential to emotionally charged. E-mail fails miserably to communicate feelings. Don’t send e-mail when you’re angry, friends. 🙂

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