What to do when “to do” isn’t happening, aka, Calgon ™! Take me away activities

Sometimes you face one or more of the following conditions:

  • your to do list is heinous
  • you’ve looked at your email and just can’t face it
  • you have a few minutes between meetings and don’t need to go to the bathroom or get coffee (interesting how these relate–one could just buy a cup of coffee and dump it directly in the toilet and eliminate the middle man, as it were)
  • you just need a break

So here’s my list of stuff you can do that inches toward productivity while still providing a “break-like” feel:

  • remove really large files from your mail, assuming you’re a luser like me who has a mail quota
  • clean up your computer desktop
  • weed out some paper files
  • streamline your bookmarks
  • read a magazine
  • take a walk on campus. I call this my “sanity stroll”
  • walk around and talk to staff, especially those who don’t work close to your office.  Say hi, listen, and learn. In Leadership land they’ve actually given this a name: management by walking around. I guess if you’re the boss, you get to interrupt folks and drag them down with you? 🙂

2 Responses to “What to do when “to do” isn’t happening, aka, Calgon ™! Take me away activities”

  1. rufusb said:

    Oct 14, 08 at 9:44 am

    I would add: Find a private room and have a few minutes of “weeping time” like Holly Hunter in Broadcast News.

  2. admin said:

    Oct 14, 08 at 5:10 pm

    Yes, there is an aspect to the “sanity stroll” that’s more like the “weep walk” or a “freedom flight”…

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