Budget presentation submitted

Huge weight off my shoulders. This is a presentation required if you want a budget increase. To put this in perspective: last year’s submission (before my time) was 54 pages long and sought $450K in ongoing money and about $625K in one time funds…. mine is 6 pages long and seeks $130K ongoing and $400K in one time funds. Last year, we received $140K ongong and about $300K in one time funds. In my presentation I show how we’re reallocating to redistribute another $130K more effectively. So, I figure I’ve showed them how I’m saving $130K, thereby preventing this from being a request for $260K ongoing. The onetime funds are largely for a huge 802.11n wireless implementation in all student residences. I wonder if it will fly? Doubtful, perhaps, given that I should be (and am) grateful not to have my budget cut. We’ll see….

One Response to “Budget presentation submitted”

  1. Kyle said:

    Nov 17, 08 at 7:02 pm

    I have to do a presentation like that just to keep the meager little budget I have. I asked about a presentation justifying budget increases, and I was told it was more likely that pigs would fly than getting a budget increase. In fact, there may yet be more cuts in my future (the first 10% just didn’t hurt enough I guess).

    I’ve been doodling some designs for a rocket assist pack for a pig as a fall back plan.

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