Friday Night Leadership Smackdown: the final frontier

badass-yoda.jpg VS tinkerbell.png

4 Responses to “Friday Night Leadership Smackdown: the final frontier”

  1. essprit said:

    May 16, 08 at 4:49 pm

    thanks – my head just exploded! 🙂

  2. cebola said:

    May 16, 08 at 8:45 pm

    So, the competition is between someone who hides their power behind a veil of agedness and someone who hides their power behind the guise of innocence. I gotta go with Tink on this one, the rage that lives underneath the visage of that much cuteness surely much outweigh what Yoda’s got. Yoda might yell at the kids to get off his lawn, but Tink would invite them in and serve them poisoned lemonade. With a smile. How about that fairy dust?

  3. Mom said:

    May 18, 08 at 2:20 pm

    Honey, Tinkerbell is so sweet. I hope that you model yourself after her.

  4. admin said:

    May 19, 08 at 4:55 pm

    Thanks, Mom! Given what cebola says about the rage and fairy dust, I may already be there! I learned it all from you… 🙂

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